Right now, an unprecedented number of people are scrolling through their social media feeds, staving off boredom and hunting for content. Why not produce some?
Right now, an unprecedented number of people are scrolling through their social media feeds, staving off boredom and hunting for content. Why not produce some?
One of our clients is a museum with acres of scenic Japanese gardens, and we are assisting them in weathering the downtime by staying relevant to their audience.
You may not have noticed, but there is a vast conspiracy afoot to make everything have meaning. Value. Worth. Especially Internet content.
There’s a really great (meaning old) joke about two football teams, one hopelessly outmatched by their opponent. The superior team, after spending the first half utterly wiping the floor with their unworthy opponent, finally decides they’ve had enough and walks off the field at halftime.
Maybe you know how vital branding is to building a successful business. Maybe you don’t and instead believe that success is found by rubbing a unicorn in just the right way. Well, given a choice between writing an article on avoiding common branding mistakes or writing one on unicorn fondling, I’m afraid I’ll have to choose the former. After all, this is a family blog. We try to keep this shit clean, here.
One of the things that makes social media so compelling is that it’s free. People like things that don’t cost anything. And social media channels provide a valuable service, namely connecting you with other weirdos who share your interests.
Magicians are fond of saying that they “never reveal their secrets.” Maybe that’s why nobody likes them. Seriously, if someone you just met tells you that they’re a magician, you’re not gonna be like: “Cool! Let’s be friends forever!” If anything, you’ll probably pull your hand back from the handshake and check to make sure you still have your watch.
If you aren’t running Google AdWords for search engine marketing (SEM), then you’re not really doing digital marketing. Nope. You should probably stop reading for a moment to hang your head in shame. We’ll wait.
Your brand is like your underwear. Sometimes you have to change it up.You may not realize this, but things change. Life goes on, time passes, stuff happens, and you can never step in the same river twice. I know, it’s shocking. But get over it so we can get to the listicle.
We’re talking about the “call to action” or CTA. It may be in a banner ad, on a landing page, in an email, or maybe you have one tattooed on your belly. The CTA is how you tell your audience what to do.