eMed Screen
products / drug
testing for HR
eMed Screen is an offshoot of that caters to corporate HR departments that need to administer drug tests for candidates.
The innovative eMed Screen system eliminates a primary pain point for HR managers who must schedule and coordinate drug testing for candidates. Not only is this task onerous, but it is challenging for managers to complete the testing process rapidly enough to avoid losing the candidate to other job offers.
eMed Screen opted to launch this game-changing new product at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) trade show conference in Las Vegas, the HR industry’s most important annual event.
Prior to hiring DAMN GOOD, eMed Screen had held a “soft launch” event in which they invited a dozen or so HR managers on a cruise where they were introduced to the eMed Screen solution.
The results were successful enough to prompt eMed to move forward with a product launch, but it left a very short window in order to meet the trade show deadline.
DAMN GOOD was initially engaged to determine if it was feasible to develop a product launch within a timeline of just over a month.
Because eMed Screen would need to stand out amidst the traffic at a busy trade show, DAMN GOOD advised their client to take a bold, campaign-based approach.
Bold and memorable messaging, repeated throughout the campaign materials, would help drive the needed awareness to propel the brand at the show and beyond.
This would also help position eMed Screen differently than competitors. DAMN GOOD planned to use this approach to align the newly-launched brand with the innovative, game-changing solution they were introducing to the marketplace.
In discussing the results of their soft launch event, the client revealed how overwhelmingly positive the response from HR managers had been.
According to the client, the HR managers adored the new eMed Screen system because it eliminated nearly all of the hassle involved in administering drug screenings through third-party testing facilities. HR managers were happy to be able to just “check the box” for drug testing and allow candidates to move swiftly through the hiring process.
DAMN GOOD felt this made an ideal touchpoint to express how eMed Screen’s system simplified an onerous process, and developed a campaign around the bold message: “Check the #@$!% Box.”
To further propel the launch initiative within the context of a busy trade show, the agency also proposed incorporating a sweepstakes giveaway that would bring one lucky winner to Miami, where they would get to tour the corporate offices, as well as enjoying the area.
DAMN GOOD advised eMed Screen that the launch was possible as long as the company and agency worked closely together. This is possible due to the close relationship the agency has with its vendors.
Once the project was greenlit, the agency worked as quickly as possible to ensure all elements were completed and delivered on time.
DAMN GOOD conducted industry research, and engaged in in-depth discussions with the client in order to swiftly manifest a bold and appealing campaign. The agency dedicated its resources to the task full-time in order to ensure that deadlines were met.

Sweepstakes rules were crafted in tandem with eMed’s legal department, and visual elements were aided by the company’s limited marketing department.
Custom trade show booth materials were built to exact specifications and delivered directly to the convention center in Las Vegas for assembly. In order to promote awareness beyond the company’s booth, some personnel wore branded bodysuits, and a large volume of branded schwag was distributed.

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