Software /
Enterprise Call
CallCabinet is a global software company that sells an award-winning enterprise recording platform. The platform is an infinitely scalable web-based system that allows clients to record inbound and outbound calls for compliance with industry regulations, as well as employee oversight, and business intelligence.
CallCabinet was actually the first company to introduce a web-based recording platform, almost instantly revolutionizing the entire call recording industry.
DAMN GOOD began working with CallCabinet in 2014, when we helped the brand launch its “revolutionary” new web-based recording platform at a tech industry trade show.
However, despite the agency advising the company to continue to market and promote their innovative platform post-launch, CallCabinet instead chose to rely upon the news of their product to drive platform sales.
Without marketing to drive brand leadership, the company eventually fell behind competitors that rushed their own web-based call recording systems to market. This fact became acute once the company’s fortunes rose again during the COVID pandemic, when CallCabinet’s platform surged once more for its ability to record seamlessly in remote work environments.
It became clear that this global brand – which was arguably the industry’s most innovative – was still relatively unknown compared to competitors.
DAMN GOOD had discussed rebranding CallCabinet when the agency first began working with the brand in 2014 because it felt the brand did not fit well into the technology sector.
Agency analysis determined the weak legacy logo and lack of strong dominant messaging from the brand that “invented” cloud-based call recording had allowed the brand to remain forgettable, despite the platform’s continued success and awards.
Thus, the agency reasoned, by reimagining the brand with greater authority and stature, it could remove one of CallCabinet’s largest obstacles to industry leadership.
DAMN GOOD builds brands foundationally, so after ample competitive research, the agency set about crafting messaging that would finally allow CallCabinet to take credit for “revolutionizing the call recording industry.
A new tagline, “Compliance to the core” was established, and the agency worked to perfect the new logo – as well as an entirely new version of the CallCabinet website – in time for a global rollout in the spring.
In addition to the rebranding and website redevelopment, DAMN GOOD also assisted the client with their internal brand launch to their global team.

In addition to working on SEO for CallCabinet’s website DAMN GOOD’s consultative approach involved the agency in several high-level strategic discussions with the company’s senior executives.
Together, we concluded that, although sales were the ultimate goal, the protracted B2B customer conversion and onboarding process made brand awareness more essential for CallCabinet.
DAMN GOOD therefore advised the client to rebrand, and use the new brand launch to capture attention and get both new and old audiences to see the brand with fresh eyes.
While the new logo and website were being designed, the agency also focused on creating bold, concise, and resonant brand messaging that aligned with the brand’s SEO goals.
DAMN GOOD was able to focus its resources on the task of building and rolling out the new brand and website in a highly-condensed timeline, allowing CallCabinet to not only make a splash, but also to hit the ground running.